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Call ClimateLaunchpad 2019

ClimateLaunchpad 2020

The largest competition of business ideas related to climate change in the world

Hasta el viernes, 08 de mayo de 2020 a las 23:59



Publicado el martes, 03 de marzo de 2020 a las 14:45

ClimateLaunchpad is the largest green business ideas competition in the world. Innovation and invention can open the way to a clean future. That's why we create a stage for people who have great ideas of clean technology and we help them develop those ideas in new companies that have a global impact. ClimateLaunchpad is part of the Climate-KIC entrepreneurship offerings.

Your idea can be an innovation in renewable energies, a sustainable transition in the food chain, a change of mentality in urban mobility or any other way of tackling climate change.

To participate in the contest send your idea or innovation with environmental impact. We will help you quickly take that idea to a business and avoid all possible pitfalls along the way. You will learn how to get your idea funded and launched.

Once you are selected to join ClimateLaunchpad, the Boot Camp and coaching sessions will help you develop your idea into a solid plan. He will release this during his National Final and the Regional Finals. The winners of each Regional Final will compete in the World Grand Final. Even if your idea is on the back of a napkin, we invite you to join.

All entries will be reviewed and ideas that conform to the invoice of our competition will be invited to join. Let us challenge you, join the competition.

But before doing so, we just want to make sure that you:

he has not started a business or started it less than a year ago;

they do not have substantial income;

You have not attracted more than 200.000 euros in investment; He has not yet sold products, solutions or prototypes in commercial terms.


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