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First Net-Zero Academy to train 100.000 workers in the EU solar photovoltaic value chain

Publicado por CarmenDiaz
martes, 25 de junio de 2024 a las 16:02

Today, the Commission has launched the European Solar Academy, the first in a series of EU Academies to be set up under the Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA) to have in place the necessary skills along the net-zero technologies value chains. The role of NZIA academies is to develop learning content and programmes together with the industry, to ensure that sufficient skills and workforce in the value chain.

It is estimated that in the solar photovoltaic (PV) manufacturing sector alone, some 66.000 skilled workers will be needed by 2030 for the EU to meets its ambitious renewable energy targets while ensuring industrial competitiveness. The Solar Academy aims to train 100,000 workers in the solar photovoltaic value chain over the next three years to address the current labour and skills gap in the sector.

Following the successful model of the European Battery Academy, launched in 2022 for the battery value-chain, the Solar Academy will design learning content, together with the industry and relevant parties in the solar PV value chain.  The Solar Academy will also develop learning credentials, which will certify the skills that people have acquired in its training courses, thus also boosting the mobility of the workforce across the Single Market. The deployment of the programmes is done via local partners. These can be Vocational and Educational Training (VET) providers, businesses, universities or other education and training providers with whom the Academy signs a contract to deliver its programmes.

The Commission is supporting the launch of the European Solar Academy with  9 million from the Single Market Programme. The project will be implemented by the European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT) via its Knowledge and Innovation Community, EIT Innoenergy.

This Academy is the latest Commission initiative supporting the EU's efforts to reach its ambitious targets under the European Green Deal and the REPowerEU Plan while ensuring that the industry is resilient and competitive on the global stage.

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